
Hacklexia: a hackathon of the best ideas to solve learning disabilities

Hacklexia: a hackathon of the best ideas to solve learning disabilities

Hacklexia: a hackathon of the best ideas to solve learning disabilities

The Leo Club Marsa les Étoiles and the IEEE SMU are organizing on 12, 13 and 14 March at MSB a competition for engineering and speech-language pathology students to help people with dyslexia to use technology easily.

The teams participating in the competition will present their ideas to a panel of experts. They will then choose the idea that they consider best, most appropriate and most feasible today.

The three best teams will receive generous prizes.

The aim of the event:

The aim is to improve technology for people with learning disabilities who have difficulty acquiring, retaining or using knowledge. These disorders are usually the result of attention, memory or reasoning deficiencies, which affect the academic performance of the affected individuals.


It is a non-profit club sponsored by the Lions Club la Marsa at the local level and recognized by the Lions Club International, which today has more than 1.4 million members offering community services in 210 countries.

Approximately 38 members at “LEO CLUB MARSA LES ÉTOILES” work to meet humanitarian needs, promote peace and put a smile on the faces of those most in need.


IEEE is the world’s largest technical organization dedicated to scientists, engineers and students. IEEE has over 423,000 members in more than 160 countries around the world. The branch aims to develop the technical skills of its members and university students through workshops and conferences in various fields of engineering.

Picture of Aziz Chaibi
Aziz Chaibi

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